Is your facebook account hacked? And you Don’t know how to recover? Chill this article will help you to recover hacked facebook account.
We all use Facebook. Have we ever wondered if we are safe on Facebook? As a result of the massive development of technology, crimes have now gone digital.
As a result, people constantly face various losses on Facebook and digital platforms. Currently, we are continually facing Facebook hacking. Today we will tell you how you can recover your hacked Facebook account.
When a Facebook account is hacked, some simple changes are noticed in most cases. Hacking your account doesn’t just mean that someone has found your account’s login information.
You may have logged into Facebook somewhere else but forgotten to log out. Even if the device is stolen without a password, you may still experience these problems.
Check your Facebook profile’s About section for any information that has been accessed if you feel your account has been hacked.
Hackers usually change the information in this section. It is also essential to be careful if you see someone you have never known on your friend list.
If a Facebook account is hacked, the hacker usually sends messages to the hacked account’s friends. Many hackers also demand money by posting directly on the timeline.
Verify the messages you sent and posts you made and consider your next step accordingly if the account appears to have been hacked.
A hacker hacks a Facebook account and changes its email address or phone number many times.
Additionally, you can verify these details from the Facebook settings. For this, visit Settings> Account Settings> General.
If your contact email address and phone number have not been changed, change your Facebook password.
If the hacker changed the password after hacking your Facebook account and you can’t log in to the report, you can find out about any unusual posts in your Facebook timeline from your friends. You can also check if a hacker is texting your friends through your account.
Devices from which Facebook is logged in, every phone / PC and browser logged in; Facebook keeps his account.
By looking at the login information of your Facebook account, you can easily understand where your account has been used or is being used.
From there, you can guess whether your Facebook ID or Facebook account has been hacked.
You can view the login history of your Facebook account by following these steps:
You will see Active Now next to the devices currently logged in to your Facebook account.
Over time, devices that have recently logged in will also appear. If you’ve been using an old device, that means you’ve been logged in there.
They will be shown. Therefore, make sure to verify the information of each login.
Clicking on each device in this device list / you will get the option to log out of them in the three-dot menu.
View the list and log out immediately from the unfamiliar device. You can also click “Log Out Of All Sessions” to log out of all devices at once.
This is the recommended method of facebook account recovery by the Facebook official team.
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