What is Data Entry work in Freelancing and how to be One


Whenever you ask someone about freelancing, you must have heard about the work of data entry in freelancing.


What does data entry mean for us to know better about it?  Data entry means converting data from any hard copy to soft copy by typing with the help of a typist.


And collect the data in their proper place.  The data is added or updated with the help of some software through a computer. 


Data here can be any kind of object, file, information, media, etc. For example- Audio, video, document, image, text, number etc. 


Today here in this Article you will get all the information about Data Entry in freelancing and how you can be one.  


In the field of data entry, various data is viewed from a physical paper document, typed on a computer by a keyboard and converted into a digital copy.


And the person who does the work of data entry is called the data entry operator.  You can be a data entry operator if you want.  But for that, you have to gain computer basic knowledge and trying skills.


This is done by a data entry operator to enter or type the data through the specified software of the computer.  For example, Word pad, MS-office, MS-excel, etc. In different types of software, the data is fed by the operator.


Simply put, entering any type of data into a computer by typing on a keyboard is called data entry.


Data entry is a process where employees edit, add and verify the data.  Then hopefully you can easily understand what data entry is.


How many types of data entries?  (Types Of Data Entry)


In today’s modern age any type of work can be done by computer.  Therefore, it is common to create a database by digitally storing various types of physical documents on a computer.


So at present, different types of data are being entered into the computer for different tasks.  As a result, different types of data entry work have been created. Have a look at the type of Data entry Jobs. 


  1. MS-excel data entry


  1. Spelling checking


  1. Paper documentation


  1. Job posting


  1. Translation


  1. Data conversation


  1. Database creation


So let’s get to know each subject in detail from below.


MS-excel data entry


It is very profitable or convenient for any company to create a digital database using various types of data such as sales, purchase, feedback, customer review, etc. using Excel software.


Because MS-excel has every advantage that data entry work can be done very easily.  Moreover, through Excel, you can edit or add entries and records as you like.


Spelling checking


This is done by checking the words, spellings, etc. in some pre-written novels, articles, books or other content.  Here you have to find out what is wrong with the text.


Paper documentation


This work is very popular.  Because these tasks are very easy.  Here you are given a paper as a hard copy in the paper and you have to type that data in the computer.


Typing on a computer will convert those hard copies into soft copies and you have to type them into special software.  In this case Word pad, note pad, MS-excel, word etc. software are used.


Job posting


There are many online job portal websites in which new jobs are published almost every day.  There is a need for data entry operators to publish more job news every day.


In this case, data entry operators collect job news from different places and publish it by writing articles on the subject.  This is a kind of data entry work because here the data is being published digitally through typing.




For this type of data entry, you have to type the data from a voice or audio file as text.  Voice files in different languages ​​at different times have to be converted to local languages.


Moreover, many times there are data entry jobs where books or articles written in another language have to be converted into another language.  For example, translating from a famous English book into Bengali.


Data convention


data convention means changing any data format.  Imagine converting a PDF file to a Word file.  The process of converting one file to another is called data conversion.


Many large companies need a data entry operator to do this type of work.


Database creation


Various governmental or non-governmental organizations create a database on various topics.  For example, how many families, how many children, how many old people there are in a village, etc.


Data entry is done in the field of creating such a database.  The information is stored in the computer by typing the various documents.  Here the process of digital recording by looking at the data from the physical documents is called a kind of data entry.


How to start data entry work?


I have already said that anyone can do the work of data entry if they want.  However, you need to have basic computer skills and fast keyboard typing skills.  Remember, you don’t need to have a good degree to do data entry work.


Here is your computer typing speed and other knowledge about computers.  You can easily find data entry jobs by visiting various job websites online.


You can use two mediums to start data entry work.  And through these two you can earn a good amount of money. 


  1. Online data entry work


  1. Offline data entry work


Now let’s get to know the details from these two platforms from below.


Online data entry work


At present, this job of data entry in freelancing has become a profitable way to earn money online from home.  There are many marketplaces on the internet such as freelancer, Fiverr, guru where you can do the work related to data entry.


Nowadays Data Entry in freelancing is profitable work for earning money. 


In these freelancing platforms, you have to create an account and find data entry jobs. Let’s see some benefits of doing online  : 


  1. As a remote worker you can do this at your convenience from any place or place.


  1. You can confirm when you will do this.  This means you can work as you wish.


  1. Most of the time here you will be given work as a project.  And money will be paid after the completion of each project.


  1. You can work online data entry in extra time even after working full time in a company.


Offline data entry work


In the field of offline data entry, you can do general job work in different companies.  Remember, there is a lot more data entry work offline than online.  Moreover, in many places, you can work part-time.


Again, many can earn money through contracts by doing data entry work at a specified time.  There are no benefits to working offline, but I’m trying to say something special. 


  1. Here you have to work for hours or days.  But you can’t work from home.


  1. You have to go to the office or work as an employee of the company.


  1. You may be offered the same benefits as other employees.  Such as bonuses, overtime, health, benefit etc.


  1. If you have a good experience, typing speed etc. then you will get other benefits along with a salary increase.




Well, These were some of the information about data entry in freelancing and how you can be one of Data Entry typist. 

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