In this article, we discuss how to remove dark circles. And also give proper treatment to fix this problem. Let’s get started.


Dark circles under the eyes arise when the skin beneath both eyes appears darkened. There are numerous things that might cause this, but for the most part, it can be addressed with at-home remedies, medical interventions, or both.


What causes black circles beneath your eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes are seen as a tell-tale indicator of high stress, a bad diet, and, in some instances, full-blown weariness. 

And, while weariness is frequently blamed, oculoplastic surgeon and aesthetic expert Dr. Maryam Zamani believes otherwise. 

A variety of causes can contribute to black rings. Contrary to popular belief, fatigue is not the primary reason.

Hyperpigmentation is one of the most prevalent causes of dark circles. It may be caused by environmental factors (such as sun exposure, smoking, and a lack of sleep) and inherited reasons.

Top 09 tips to remove dark circles

Get enough rest.

Those who slept for four hours had more visible dark circles under their eyes than those who slept for eight hours, according to a 2017 study published in the journal Royal Society Open Science. Inadequate sleep can also lead to increased stress, aggravate dark circles.


Use a cold compress.

A cold compress will assist to decrease edema and shrink dilated blood vessels, reducing the appearance of dark circles under your eyes.


Wrap a couple of ice cubes in a clean towel and lay it over your eyes for three to five minutes to try this at home. 

You can also wet a washcloth and gently rub it on the skin around your eyes for about 20 minutes. 

You can also use eye gel masks stored in the freezer until ready to use. Apply for 10 minutes.


Sleep with your head elevated.

If you wake up with black circles under your eyes, try elevating your head while sleeping.


According to O’Keefe, this will keep fluid from accumulating under your eyes overnight and prevent swelling, irritation, and puffiness the next morning. Puffy and irritated eyes can cast shadows behind your lower lid, creating the illusion of dark circles.


Use tea bags

A chilled tea bag can also aid with inflammation. This is due to caffeine and antioxidants in tea, which aid in the shrinking of blood vessels, stimulation of blood circulation, and reduction of puffiness.


To try this procedure, cool tea bags for about 10 minutes before placing them on your eyes for 30 minutes. 

It is recommended by many experts to drink green tea as the caffeine constricts the blood vessels and capillaries behind the eyes, tightening the skin.




If the cause of the dark circles is increased melanin production – darker pigmentation — in the skin due to genetics or sun exposure, laser therapy can help. 

This makes blood vessels beneath thinner skin less visible. According to Green, cucumbers may help reduce the look of dark circles, but they won’t eliminate them.


To make this at home, chop a fresh cucumber into medium to thick slices and place them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. 

Then, twice a day, apply them to your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes.. This is something that may be done numerous times each week. Cucumbers that have been allowed to cool can also be used as a cold compress.


Use allergy medication.

Allergies can cause itchy red eyes, which can add to dark circles. This is because when you massage them, they get inflamed and swollen, resulting in shadows.


Green claims that taking an antihistamine can assist lessen allergy symptoms that may worsen the prevalence of dark circles. 

However, this is only beneficial if allergies cause your dark circles. If you do not have allergies, it is not good to take an antihistamine.


Think about laser treatments.

If the cause of the dark circles is increased melanin production – darker pigmentation — in the skin due to genetics or sun exposure, laser therapy can help.


Laser therapy includes using low-level laser beams to the skin to increase collagen formation in skin cells and decrease pigmentation. 

After consulting with a dermatologist, it should be performed in a medical spa. Swelling or discomfort may occur for a few days following therapy.


Inquire with your dermatologist about fillers.

Fillers provide volume beneath the eyes to decrease the appearance of shadows or under-eye hollowing.


Small injections of fluid — commonly hyaluronic acid — is used under the eyes to raise the skin’s surface. This creates space between the skin and the underlying blood vessels, making dark circles around the eyes less visible. This is performed under a local anesthetic in a medical office.


Attempt skin brighteners.

Over-the-counter skin brighteners available in serum, gel, or cream form can eliminate dull skin cells and boost radiance. 

Choose products containing vitamin C or niacinamide, which can help to reduce the appearance of dark circles produced by increased melanin production. This can be done twice a day, once in the morning and the evening.

Other skin brighteners, such as retinoids or vitamin A, are not suggested for use immediately under the eye since they might irritate.


Take Advice from doctor to remove dark circles

While you may not tackle the underlying reason for your dark circles, specific at-home remedies and medical treatments, such as a cold compress, can assist. 

If you are concerned about your dark circles, consult a doctor or dermatologist to determine the best treatment choices for you.


Bangla Alo

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