Make Money

How to Earn Money From Facebook

We all use Facebook. But did you know that many people use to earn money facebook? If you don’t then read this..

Sounds fantastic! But it is possible to make it from Facebook. This article will tell you how you can earn money from online through Facebook.

Facebook Monetization

To earn money from Facebook monetization, you have to fulfill some conditions and at the same time pay special attention to some essential things. 


You may have already realized that it is possible to earn money from Facebook monetization like YouTube. However, there is nothing to be afraid of hearing about Facebook monetization.


Because when we talk about monetization, we remember about 4,000 hours of watch time on YouTube. 


But there is no need to fulfill such a complicated condition like YouTube for earning from Facebook.


Although Facebook is a trendy platform like YouTube, Facebook is entirely new compared to YouTube in terms of video. And so, the terms of monetization are much easier to compare on Facebook than on YouTube.


Facebook Monetization Terms


Like YouTube, there are some conditions for monetization on Facebook. If you want to earn money by monetizing your Facebook page, you must fulfill those conditions.


Just as YouTube requires 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers to channel monetize, so does Facebook. But the advantage is that these conditions are not as difficult as on YouTube.


Types Of Monetization

At present, there are two types of monetization facilities-

  • In-stream ads
  • Brand Collabs Manager


In-Stream Ads

First, let’s discuss what in-stream ads are?


While playing videos on Facebook, you may have noticed that 8 to 12 seconds of advertisements are broadcast. That is known as In-stream ads.


Similar video ads are also advertised on YouTube. However, the most significant advantage here from YouTube is that most of the ads on YouTube have the option to skip, due to which the whole meaning of the ad is not available.


But that is not the case on Facebook. Since there is no option to skip the video ads on Facebook, users usually have to see the entire ad. Due to this, the whole meaning of the advertisement is available.


Conditions to monetize for in-stream ads:

Page Age:

You cannot create a page and immediately apply it for monetization. In this case, the age of the page should be at least three months. 


This means that three months before the page is created, it will not be ELIGIBLE for monetization, no matter how popular your page is.



The page must have at least 10,000 (ten thousand) followers to apply to monetize in-stream ads. 


There are many differences between Facebook page likes and followers. Many people think that likes and followers are the same things. But the matter is not the same at all.


However, if someone likes the page, it automatically counts as a follower. However, creating followers is much easier than creating page likes.


It is possible to increase followers only without increasing Facebook likes. For example, if you comment on a post on your page. 


Then by clicking on that post, the number of followers who will visit your page will be exactly the number of followers on your page.


This means that even if they don’t like your page, it will count as a follower of your page. So you understand that increasing followers is a much easier task than Page Like.


1 Minute View:

Here you have to understand the matter very carefully. 1-minute views of 3-minute videos are meant to be 1-minute view counts for all videos that are at least 3 minutes long.


To put it better, suppose you have three videos on your page. Of these, two videos are 3 minutes or more in length, and one video is less than 3 minutes. Then the video of fewer than 3 minutes will not be counted here.


And two videos that are 3 minutes or longer, the views of those two videos should be 30,000 minutes by 1 minute in the last two months or 60 days.


Brand Collabs Manager


Another way to monetize Facebook is through Brand Collabs Manager. It is not very popular in our country, and many of us are unaware of this.


The most straightforward monetization process that Facebook has is its Brand Collabs Manager.


There are several alternative options for launching Brand Collabs Manager monetization. You can apply for Brand Collabs Manager Monetization by fulfilling the condition of choosing any one of the options.


One question that may come to mind is, is it relatively difficult to make money from such a simple condition?


Before discussing the terms, let’s find out what is Brand Collabs Manager Monetization and how to make money through it.


The Brand Collabs Manager option has been on Facebook for a long time before the monetization process. 


Various advertising companies initially used it to advertise their products or services.


Brand Collabs Manager Monetization is a kind of sponsorship program. The various advertising companies have contracted with their product or service-related pages to advertise them.


This means that a company will sponsor a page to promote their product or service, and through that page, they will encourage various ads.


To put it better, suppose you have a travel page and a good number of followers and post engagements. 


Then through the Brand Collabs Manager process, various travel companies will sponsor your page for their promotion and promote their services through your page. This is Brand Collabs Manager.


So understand that no technology company will sponsor any entertainment or travel page. Brand Collabs Manager For monetization, your page must be related to a specific niche, and at the same time, the language of your page must be English.


Conditions to monetize for Brand Collabs Manager:


First, let’s talk about Followers. There is no need for 10,000 followers like in-stream ads. As I said before, this monetization process is much easier than in-stream ads.


Here you only need to create 1000 followers. If you have only 1000 followers on your page, the “Grow your followers” option will become “Eligible.”


The first condition is Engagement. The most significant advantage of Engagement is that you will not need to upload any video to fill this Criteria. Here you need to get 15000 post engagement in 60 days.


The posts on the page will be counted as a post-engagement starting from a like, a comment, a share, or a post click.


For example, suppose you post a picture or video on your page. If a visitor likes any post on your page, your page will have a post-engagement count.


In the same way, even if a visitor shares a comment or post on any post on your page, there will be a post-engagement count against that comment or share. And thus, a total of 15,000 post engagements have to be achieved in 60 days.


Minute Views:

This option of Minutes viewed is a lot like YouTube. To complete this Criteria, you need to upload videos to your page.


The videos on your page will get 160,000 minutes of views in 60 days. This means that all the videos on your page will have a total of 180,000 minutes of pictures in 60 days.


This process may seem daunting, but there is nothing to worry about. Because here you have been given a total of 3 options. Criteria or conditions must be met.


Bangla Alo

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